Sunday, April 30, 2006

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Art déco revival...

Here's one of my new creation, it took me about 3 days to finish it but I'm quite happy of my work.
I was going on a second hand trade with my mother, a guy came to me and said "hey you, you like this furniture", of course I do but I just don't have any place in my flat!!!
"I sell you this furniture for 20 euros and I deliver it with you now...". Of course I have place in my flat, ok, my mother said the magical words "it could be the easter bells who offer you this furniture :)".
Well, well, well, ok, I take it!
Then, I took the furniture with this man that I just don't know anyway and I put it in the tow.
After this, I bought a sandpaper machine, I took over one full day to do it, I just couldn't breath anymore.
The day after, I choose the colors!!!
Flashy, of course.
I liquified acrylic colors, and I painted my furniture, it was just what I want, and my old furniture from 40's came back to life.
Now, he is in my bedroom and I admire him every day and the orange glass handles are just awesome...

How could we throw pieces like that???

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Five minutes...

Here's the test of my sister, just to know a little bit about me !!!

1. Five Minutes to yourself how would you spend them, ideally?

- Listening to otis redding, title: cigarettes and coffee, the most beautiful song in the world and chocolate melting in my mouth ...

2. Five bucks to spend it right now, how would you spend it?

- decorations, piece of furniture, fabrics, perfume, toys for my cats

3. Five items in your house you can part with, right now that you hadn't thought of already?

-I will throw my dirties that I still have in my cave, in my flat, put my chocolate in the garbage, throw my excessiv weight, in fact there isn't much than that...

4. Five items you could absolutely never part with in your house?

-My books, my photos, my souvenirs, my pieces of furniture, my pc.

5. Five words you love?

-Bordel de cul de mammouth, mamouuuuuuur, tchitchi, bébé gollum, canaillou...

list 10 simple pleasures

-Spending time with my family

-spending time with the family of my lover

-spending time with my friends

-spending time with my cats

-eating chocolate

-be near of my boyfriend

-renovate furniture



-listening to music

Thursday, April 06, 2006


Kokeshi dolls are made of wood and have no arms or legs. There are many different styles, but all are simple in their design with a head and a body - a sphere and a cylinder. They are usually very small, just few inches tall, but may be larger. The original dolls were always female. (Modern kokeshi dolls can be male).
According to the author of Japanese Dolls, there may be some religious significance to these dolls. The name itself means: ko=child, keshi=erasing. "In years of famine, women were unable to feed all their children and were reduced to abortion or infanticide (killing of a new-born baby). The new-born babes vanished so that the others should live. Kokeshi could thus have been memorial dolls, kept into the house to appease the spirits of the dead. In Japan feeble girls were less wanted than strong boys. No arms, no legs - a wrapped-up child or an innocent, wistful little ghost who has no need of arms or legs?"

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Totoro papier-mâché

My friend Totoro in papier mâché...

Yomi-Yomi Belgian Dagobert

Yesterday, my friends came to my flat.
What I am gonna do??? Pasta? Pizza? No, something simple, so I've made some "dagoberts".
Take a round loaf, put mayonnaise on it, one slice of gouda cheese, one slice of ham, one egg cooked hard, mayonnaise again, salt, pepper and salad...
Good taste, you can even make some american or english "dagoberts", just change the flag... :p

Monday, April 03, 2006

Ugly doll

One day, I saw a monster on my way, He wasn't the usual monster that we see everywhere, no, not the scary one, not the bloody one with awful green teeth and black nails with stinking breath, no, this one look like the bubblegum color in my childhood.
He present me his friends, since this day, I have welcomed them in my family and that's growing with times, you just cannot stop!!!